Sharing Variables from One Project to Another

Brim allows you to easily maintain consistency across multi-site abstraction projects by exporting variables and dependent variables from one project and importing them into another.

To do this:

Download Variable Definitions from the Source Project

  • Open your Source project in Brim.
  • Click "Project Setup" and scroll down to the Variables section.
  • Select "Export Variables". This will download a CSV file to your computer containing the variable definitions.
  • Click "Dependent Variables"
  • Select "Export Dependent Variables". This will download a CSV file to your computer containing the dependent variable definitions.
  • The two files that you download need to be accessible by the Destination project.

Upload Variable Definitions to a Destination Project

  • Open your Destination project in Brim.
  • Click "Project Setup" and scroll down to the Variables section.
  • Select "Upload Variables".
  • Choose the File for Variables under the variables section, and the file for Dependent Variables under the dependent variables section.
  • Click "Upload".

You can upload variables to as many projects as you want. Note that once they are uploaded to a destination project, they can be changed by admins of that project.

It looks like this:

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