Managing a Team of Multiple Reviewers

Brim is designed to support both single-person research projects and large projects with a PI, Curation Manager(s), and multiple human reviewers. Brim supports this using permissions.

The default in Brim is a Standard Reviewer, with no additional permissions. Standard Reviewers have access to the Label Review part of the project.

Additional Permission Level Description
Admin/Super-User General The admin for an organization can see all of the users in an organization, add, delete, and configure a user, and configure the settings for every project.
Manage Project Team Project-Level This permission allows adding and removing users from the selected project, as well as configuring their permissions. It's a crucial role for the Curation Manager for the project.
Upload to Project Project-Level This permission allows the user to upload and edit the Project Setup Data and Variables for a project. This is a crucial role for a Principal Investigator for the project.
Project Owner Project-Level This user can delete or rename the project.

Abstracting in a Team

  • On the Label Review screen, you can "Claim" a patient to review. Other reviewers will see that that patient has been claimed. This is a good way to distribute abstraction work.
  • Changes to the variables and updated generations will automatically propagate across all reviewers, making it easy to keep the full team in sync and up to date.
  • The abstractor for each data point will be exported in the Export CSV.
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