How to Start a New Label Generation
Label generation is the first step in equipping your human reviewers with super-human speed and scale. We recommend generating labels iteratively as described here.
To generate labels
- Start a New Label Generation
- Go to the dashboard.
- Click "Label Generation".
- Click on "Set Up New Generation."
- Choose the project
- This defaults to the current project you're on.
- Choose an Overwrite setting
- Overwrite Generated Labels. This is the default. It will regenerate any labels your team hasn't reviewed yet, and leave any human-reviewed results as-is.
- Overwrite Generated and Human Labels. This setting will regenerate all labels, even the ones your team has reviewed.
- Task
- "All" is the default and usually the correct choice. You can choose to run only part of the label generation process, which can be helpful for debugging.
- Generation Size and Parameters.
- Batch of patients
- This selection will generate labels for a random "Batch" of patients that hasn't been generated yet.
- Choose the Batch size. We recommend starting with 1 to verify results, and increasing from there.
- You can also choose to re-run generation for an existing batch, or clear batches from your dataset.
- Single specific patient.
- If you are focused on a single patient, you can choose this option, and enter the patient ID to generate for that patient.
- In this option, you can choose to only generate a specific variable or a specific document if you're debugging.
- All patients
- This will generate for all patients.
- In this option, you can choose to only generate a specific variable if you're debugging.
- NOTE: Generating for All Patients can be data- and time-intensive for large datasets. We recommend working in batches when possible.
- Batch of patients
- Click on the "Generate" button at the bottom to generate labels.